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于飞 副教授 硕士生导师


联系方式:[email protected]






2013/09-2016/06,暨南大学, 计算机应用技术, 工学博士

2010/09-2013/06,暨南大学, 通信与信息系统, 工学硕士

2005/09-2009/06,南昌航空大学,通信工程, 工学学士


2023/10-至今, 广东工业大学,梯子游戏规则 , 副教授

2021/01-2023/09,华侨大学, 信息科学与工程梯子游戏 ,副教授

2016/07-2020/12,华侨大学, 信息科学与工程梯子游戏 ,讲 师


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,面向IC设计EDA工具的AlGaN/GaN HEMTs物理基紧凑模型研究(62374046),2024.01.01—2027.12.31,在研。

  2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,纳米线晶体管的物理机制和紧凑模型研究(61904056),2020.01.01—2022.12.31,已结题。

  3. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,依托DTCO流程的14nm及以下GAA晶体管物理基紧凑建模及EDA工具嵌入(2023J01111),2023.05.01—2026.04.30,参与,在研。

  4. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,AlGaN/GaN高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT)的紧凑模型及其可靠性研究(2022J01293),2022.05.01—2025.04.30,在研。

  5. 华侨大学中青年教师科技创新资助项目,高性能金属氧化物(AOS)薄膜晶体管(TFT)的制备工艺与紧凑模型研究(ZQN-809),2020.05.01—2024.04.30,已结题。

  6. 福建省中青年教师科技创新资助计划项目,a-InGaZnO TFTs物理机制和紧凑模型研究(JAT170034),2017.09.30—2019.08.31,已结题。

  7. 华侨大学高层次人才资助项目,多晶硅纳米线TFT的物理机制和模型研究(16BS706),2016.11.01—2018.10.31,已结题。


  1. 华侨大学第三批新工科示范课程建设项目,电工电子学及实验,2021.07.01—2023.06.30,已结题。



  1. Fei Yu #(于飞),Zhaoxu Song, Kun Fang, Ying Liang, Gongyi Huang, Chuanzhong Xu, Jiahui Liu, An undefinedytical Drain Current Model of ZnO-Based Amorphous Oxide Semiconductor Thin-Film Transistors, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 69,6139-6145(2022).


  1. K. M. Chen(学生),Fei Yu *(于飞),Wanling Deng, X. Wu, Chuanzhong Xu,Gongyi Huang, J. K. Huang, A Lumped-Parameter Equivalent Circuit Model for Perovskite Solar Cells' S-Shaped I-V Kinks,IEEE Electron Device Letters 42,379-382(2021).


  2. Chuanzhong Xu, Xiaofang Sun, Ying Liang, Gongyi Huang, Fei Yu *(于飞),An undefinedytical Effective-Diode-Based undefinedysis of Industrial Solar Cells From Three-Diode Lumped-Parameter Model,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 68,2753-2758(2021).

  3. Chuanzhong Xu, Ying Liang, Xiaofang Sun, Gongyi Huang, Fei Yu *(于飞),A Noniterative Parameter-Extraction Method for Single-Diode Lumped Parameter Model of Solar Cells,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 68,4529-4535(2021).

  4. Zhaoxu Song(学生), Kun Fang, Xiaofang Sun, Ying Liang, Wei Lin, Chuanzhong Xu, Gongyi Huang, Fei Yu *(于飞),An Effective Method to Accurately Extract the Parameters of Single Diode Model of Solar Cells, Nanomaterials 11, 2615 (2021).


  1. Gongyi Huang, Ying Liang, Xiaofang Sun, Chuanzhong Xu, Fei Yu *(于飞),undefinedyzing S-Shaped I–V characteristics of solar cells by solving three-diode lumped-parameter equivalent circuit model explicitly, Energy, 212, 118702(2020).

  2. Fei Yu #(于飞),Gongyi Huang, Chuanzhong Xu, An explicit method to extract fitting parameters in lumped-parameter equivalent circuit model of industrial solar cells,Renewable Energy 146,2188-2198 (2020).

  3. Fei Yu #(于飞),Ying Liang,Xiaofang Sun,Gongyi Huang,Chuanzhong Xu,Modelling solar cells’ S-shaped I-V characteristics with an analytical solution to lumped-parameter equivalent circuit model,Solar Energy 202,498-506(2020).


  1. Tiankuo Wei(学生),Fei Yu *(于飞), Gongyi Huang, Chuanzhong Xu,A Particle-Swarm-Optimization-Based Parameter Extraction Routine for Three-Diode Lumped Parameter Model of Organic Solar Cells,IEEE Electron Device Letters 40,1511-1514(2019).

  2. Fei Yu #(于飞), Gongyi Huang, Wei Lin, and Chuanzhong Xu,An undefinedysis for S-Shaped I-V Characteristics of Organic Solar Cells Using Lumped-Parameter Equivalent Circuit Model,Solar Energy 177,229-240(2019).

  3. Fei Yu #(于飞), Gongyi Huang, Wei Lin, and Chuanzhong Xu,Lumped-Parameter Equivalent Circuit Model for S-Shape Current-Voltage Characteristics of Organic Solar Cells,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 66,670-677(2019).

  4. Tiankuo Wei(学生), Chuanzhong Xu, Wei Lin, Gongyi Huang, and Fei Yu *(于飞),A Lumped-Parameter Equivalent Circuit Modeling for I-V Characteristics of Organic Solar Cells with S-Shaped Kink,Crystals 9,80(2019).

  5. Fei Yu #(于飞),Gongyi Huang, Wei Lin, Chuanzhong Xu, Xiaoyu Ma, Wanling Deng, and Junkai Huang,Lumped-parameter equivalent circuit modeling of solar cells with S-shaped I-V characteristics,Solid State Electronics 156,79-86(2019).

  6. Chuanzhong Xu, Fei Yu *(于飞),Gongyi Huang, Wanling Deng, Xiaoyu Ma, and Junkai Huang,A Surface-Potential-Based undefinedytical I-V Model of Full-Depletion Single-Gate SOI MOSFETs,Electronics 8,785(2019).


  1. Fei Yu #(于飞), Chuanzhong Xu,and Gongyi Huang,A Surface-Potential-Based Drain Current Compact Model of Dynamic-Depletion Polysilicon Thin-Film Transistors,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 65,4875-4882(2018).

  2. Fei Yu #(于飞), Wanling Deng, Gongyi Huang, Chuanzhong Xu, Xiaoyu Ma, and Junkai Huang,An undefinedytical Surface-Potential-Based Drain Current Model of Full Depleted Polysilicon TFTs,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 65,2855-2862(2018).

  3. Chuanzhong Xu,Fei Yu *(于飞), Wei Lin, and Gongyi Huang,An Improved Organic Solar Cell Lumped-Parameter Equivalent Circuit Model,Crystals 8,277(2018).

  4. Gongyi Huang,Fei Yu * (于飞), and Chuanzhong Xu,An undefinedytical Solution to Lumped Parameter Equivalent Circuit Model of Organic Solar Cells,Crystals 8,224(2018).

  5. Fei Yu #(于飞), Chuanzhong Xu, Gongyi Huang, Wei Lin, Tsair-Chun Liang,A closed-form trapped-charge-included drain current compact model for amorphous oxide semiconductor thin-film transistors,Microelectronics Reliability 91,307-312(2018).

  6. Fei Yu #(于飞), Gongyi Huang, Wei Lin, and Chuanzhong Xu,An analytical drain current model for symmetric double-gate MOSFETs,AIP Advances 8,045125(2018).


  1. Fei Yu #(于飞), Wanling Deng, Junkai Huang, Xiaoyu Ma, and Juin J. Liou,A Physics-Based Compact Model for Symmetrical Double-Gate Polysilicon Thin-Film Transistors,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 64,2221-2227(2017).

  2. Fei Yu #(于飞), Xiaoyu Ma, Wanling Deng, Juin J. Liou, and Junkai Huang,A surface-potential-based drain current compact model for a-InGaZnO thin-film transistors in Non-Degenerate conduction regime,Solid State Electronics 137, 38-43(2017).


  1. Fei Yu #(于飞), Wanling Deng, Junkai Huang, Xiaoyu Ma, and Songlin Chen,An Explicit Physics-Based I-V Model for Surrounding-Gate Polysilicon Transistors,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 63,1059-1065(2016).

