在西交利物浦大学大数据分析研究所, 广东工业大学联合支持下, 2021年第五届高性能编译、计算和通信国际会议将在2021年6月18-20 日 在中国·广州·广州国家IC基地(广州国家现代服务业集成电路设计产业化基地)召开,由广州国家现代服务业集成电路设计产业化基地、广州星海集成电路基地有限公司、广州半导体协会提供技术支持。该会议围绕高性能语言和高性能计算编译器,并行和分布式算法,高性能科学与工程计算等研究领域展开讨论,旨在为相关研究方向的专家学者及企业发展人提供一个分享研究成果、讨论存在的问题与挑战、探索前沿科技的国际性合作交流平台。
SAI 2021 is listed in IEEE conference calendarWSAI 2021 被列入IEEE会议支持列表.录用文章将出版至 WSAI 2021 会议论文集,由IEEE出版,收录至IEEE Xplore, 并在会后提交 EI Compendex 和 Scopus 等机构检索, 文章作者将被邀请参会展示研究报告.
我们诚挚邀请您参加2021年第三届世界人工智能专题讨论会(WSAI 2021),该会议于2021年6月18-20日在中国·广州召开,为期三天, 该会议由 IEEE, 西交利物浦大学联合主办, 由广东工业大学本地承办,期待您的到来!
2021 the 3rd World Symposium on Artificial Intelligence has the goal to be an annual conference for researchers, academicians and industry persons in various fields of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Systems.It will be held inGuangzhou, ChinaduringJune 18-20, 2021. It's co-sponsored byIEEE,Xi’an Jiaotong-liverpool University,and hosted byGuangdong University of Technology GDUT, China
如今世界范围内人工智能发展迅猛,越来越多的“智慧”应用出现在生活中, 例如人工智能的最新技术融入医疗、教育、司法等领域。 该领域的研究包括机器人、语言识别、图像识别、自然语言处理和专家系统等。人工智能从诞生以来,理论和技术日益成熟,应用领域也不断扩大,可以设想,未来人工智能带来的科技产品,将会影响人类的方方面面。
Now artificial intelligence is used in each and every company where intelligence elements are embedded inside sensors, devices, machines, computers and networks. Many fields such as robotics, mechatronics, control systems, electronics, wireless, laser technology, automotive motors are progressing fast with such an intelligence upgrade. The conference organizers aim to gather the attention and contribution from researchers, academicians, and scientists from various fields of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Systems community to create an integrated approach towards global exchange of information on technological advances, scientific innovations, and the effectiveness of various regulatory programs towards artificial Intelligence and computer systems.
We hope that this conference will attract a large number of delegates from all over the world contributing to very high quality technical sessions. It also aims to:
- provide early career scientists with an inspiring event allowing them to connect to relevant experts in related fields.
- provide an exciting venue for researchers to network and establish national and international collaborations;
- bring together leading experts from all relevant scientific domains to advance the understanding of Artificial Intelligence.

现热忱欢迎从事相关技术研究的专家、学者和专业技术人员踊 跃投稿并参加大会。征稿主题包括:◆高性能语言和高性能计算编译器 ◆ 并行和分布式软件技术 ◆ 并行和分布式算法 ◆ 高性能医疗系统 ◆ 高性能能量感知信息系统 ◆ 无线传感器、自组织网络和网状网络